
The Self-Care System & Workbook

SKU 00010
Self-Care Strategies That Will Transform Your Life This Year
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How are you?

In your lifetime you are going to be asked this a few thousand times. Or at least it seems like you are. The problem is when a question becomes so common it tends to carry less meaning. We answer, “Fine” without thinking, an automatic response much like saying “Hello.”

But are you fine? Really?

All too often we are busy. Stressed. There is just too much going on in the day and we are already short of time. We are not as fine as we like to pretend, we are. If we are honest, we are not spending as much time on ourselves as we ought to. In short, we are neglecting self-care.

In this book you will find strategies to transform your life and the companion workbook. You will not just find out WHAT to do but HOW to do it in MANAGEABLE bites that will allow you to TRANSFORM your life This YEAR.

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The Self-Care System & Workbook