GRATEFUL:  Even in the Storms of Life

“Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.” ― Criss Jami

There are days where you just wake up and the sun is smiling on you; it is perfect light hitting your face just at the right angle for that exquisite glow effect.

It goes on throughout the entire day and seems everything is just falling into place, everything you attempt will be working out.
Everything is exhilarating on such days, colors brighter, you find yourself present in the moment and appreciating every second of it.

I wish all days were like that!

Well, then there are those days, the heavy ones.

They range from just the random simple termed bad days to those where it appears as if every wall is falling on you.

Can you still go through these with the same grateful heart?

It is second nature to find yourself in your grateful element when things are going well.

It is second nature to find yourself in your grateful element when things are going well.

This is however not the case in those bleak moments when you have suffered loss.
When you are in grief, when you are sick and when your life is not a manifestation of what you desire.
You look around and all you see will be your problems, they become so magnified they overshadow any good thing that might be going on.

Where you used to be thankful for the vibrant colors of the flowers, the disappointments of life will cast a fog over how you see life until you just end up seeing how bad it is.

Gratitude is said to be the quality of being thankful, a readiness to show appreciation.

As much as it is about recognizing and appreciating the goodness in our lives, it also should be about remaining thankful even through the storms.

Gratitude is not conditional; it should apply in all sides and altitudes of our lives be it we are on the mountain tops or deep in the dark valley.

It is an attitude of living.

It is the art of turning adversity inside out and seeing its bright side and remaining thankful through it all.

‘’ Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of the past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.’’

When there is a good turn in your life the feeling of being grateful will inevitably follow and in the opposite scenario, we tend to feel dissatisfied, disheartened and burdened.

Without you working on its gratitude will just be as fleeting as the good moments and the highlights in our life.
To lead a life that is grounded in gratitude in all the peculiar seasons of your life, even through the storms, you ought to be intentional about it.

Decide to be more grateful, to take nothing for granted.

To be thankful for all the little things, voice your gratitude constantly to train yourself.

When you choose gratitude, it does not automatically become ingrained into you, it is a habit you cultivate into yourself daily.
You chisel your attitude towards life until it becomes one where you see all the things to be grateful for, more so in the stormy seasons.

Although the cloudy days might not feel so good, their beauty is in our perception.

When we manage to look closely at the shapes of the grey, heavy clouds we will see the beauty in it all.

Though different and less comfortable than our good days, there is hidden beauty, growth, and abundance in our stormy days.

Just the hope of the sun to shine the following morning is a reason to be grateful.

Our challenges present us with so much room for growth.

The opportunity to come out of it stronger is one we ought to be grateful for in the stormy seasons.
Imagine a world where we all had it all, everything every person has ever needed, would we even need each other?

Every adversity can be a blessing in disguise, it is often not about what happens to you but more so about how you react to it.

See every day as a gift!!

Every second of it and you will always have a reason to be grateful.

Be grateful for your now, what you have and do not dwell on what you lack.
Take nothing for granted: being able to see the beauty of the world, walking on the face of the earth, being in good health, and most importantly breathing.

Let your heart be overwhelmed by gratefulness for all of it!!

Living in abundance does not make you grateful it is however gratitude that gives a sense of abundance, inner joy, and contentment.
Allow your stormy seasons to unpack all the lessons and growth on you, though it might not feel as good as the sunny days, armed with gratitude you can unwrap the blessings in disguise.

Let gratitude be your forte!!

It Starts With YOU!!

