About Jeanne

Message from Jeanne:

“With my belief that it is never too late to change for the better,
I have dedicated my life to helping others make the changes (if they so desire) that I had to make in order to find peace
and happiness.

I am a Certified Life and Happiness Coach, a Certified
Assertiveness and Confidence Coach, A Certified Holistic
Wellness Coach. I am a Professional Speaker, a Workshop
Facilitator, a Blogger.

I am a Wife, Mother and Grandmother.
I am an Advocate against Domestic Violence.
I am one of The Domestic Violence Speakers Bureau of
Mecklenburg County in Charlotte, NC also a supporter of
Safe Alliance, a resource for victims of domestic violence.

I love to cook, read, sew, crochet, and write.”

Certified Life Coach
& Happiness Coach

Equipped to take you on the
journey to bring you back to
your individual greatness.

Certified Confidence &
Assertive Coach

Equipped to assist you
in finding your voice and
standing up in your truth.

Certified Empowerment

Her signature talks, keynotes and
workshops provide a unique insight, clarity
and perspectives that are entertaining,
inspiring and empowering.


Let’s Connect

I really want to hear about you and what you have going on. I welcome the opportunity to work with you one on one, facilitating a workshop or offering one of my signature talks.

Let’s connect and re-write together!